The success of Ured EEP Ltd. is based on achieving customer’s and employee satisfaction. During all of our activities the greatest emphasis is placed on the quality of provided services, while taking care of our employees and preserving the environment.
Accordingly, in order to achieve and maintain the stated values, we are constantly trying to:
- offer customers optimal and complete solutions that reflect its requirements and expectations
- carry out tasks in a timely, complete and reliable manner
- nurture and develop partnerships with our customers
- maintain the quality of service at the highest level and strive for continuous improvement with the available resources,
- reduce the possible negative impact of our business activities on the environment by undertaking preventive activities and strive for continuous improvement,
- monitor legal and other binding regulations and permanently comply with them
- monitor the legislation in the field of environmental protection, health and safety at work and permanently harmonize with it, bearing in mind the specifics of the legislation in the countries in which we are engaged
- apply effective safety measures at work and procure all necessary protective equipment that will guarantee a high level of general and health safety of our employees
- prevent accidents and occupational diseases and other health risks work-related
- every employee of the Ured EEP Ltd must be acquainted with this policy, understand it and accept it as a permanent principle in his own action